Tuesday, February 14, 2012

V Day strikes again

So it's been 2 years since our blog was born and I feel the need to write atleast a line.
Today's Valentine's day again. It doesn't feel that different from the last 2(single and ready to mingle and all that shit)V days! I still think the day is a crappy one and that people shouldn't follow others blindly, but I guess I fell into that category by sending someone a certain gift :P
Hopefully I don't start celebrating all those other days (Father's day, Children's day, Children's book day, Rainbow day?!). Anyway, I'm running out of things to say. More on this later, perhaps. Have fun. Make love, not war. Lol.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Help !

Cookie monster is going solo for a college assignment. Her blog has to be awesome so that she can impress her professor. So please take a look at her new website! And leave ur comments! :) (criticism will not be appreciated :P)

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Merry New Year!

It’s that time of the year again! Not making up lameass New Year resolutions that no one will follow, but looking at the past year and what it’s meant to me. It’s also been ages since I’ve written anything. Anyway, here it goes...

The past year has been full of new things. New people. New adventures!

I managed to graduate from that nonsensical college (I do miss it now though) and left behind probably the closest friends I’ll ever have. You five will always be my inspiration for whatever I do. Shru with her humour, Shree with her knowledge, Rekha and her wisdom, Pavi and her chirpiness, and Deni with her street smartness. Thank god for whatsapp and messaging! Rekha please get married soon! :P

I got into the best college for wildlife in India AND turned it down. Sometimes I wonder, ‘What was I thinking?. But when I look back, it was probably a smart decision. I wouldn’t have met so many people or done so many different things if I had gone.

I taught at a school for a while and met some awesome kids. Did some environmental stuff and went to a forest. Attended a conference and did loads of other things I’ve forgotten now. I interned in Bangalore for a month as well and met some fascinating people.

I met a person who’s changed me completely (for the better, I hope!). I’m not hug-phobic anymore ‘cause of you :P Here’s to last Kodai, all the ragging, gazillion texts and phone conversations that followed after, and to July 16th!:) <3

How could I forget Ultimate. This year has been full of practice sessions, throwing around on the beach, fighting to play on the ground, juice kadai kadalai! I still can’t believe we won Chennai Heat. The way in which we all came together, gave each and every game our best showed in the end! We did it and let’s do it again in Kodai!

Here’s to everyone in Stall7 (especially AP) for pushing me and making me get that MVP at Chennai Heat!

Here’s to HCUK and making Delhi an unforgettable experience. We braved those terrible rooms, the gooey food and the horrible dust in the air! :P And we won! Booyah. (I don’t think I’ll ever forget that guy who kept calling fouls and pissing us off!).

The last year has probably been one of the best in my life. I’ve learnt so much and have gained memories I’ll always cherish. Let’s hope the next year kicks this years ass and that we don’t die at the end of it. In AP’s words from last year, ‘Merry New Year’! :D

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Unfound Hero

And then he lifted me off the ground,
in his strong arms I lay,
naked, cold ,scarlet from wounds,
my skin raw.

Swiftly, he moves my hair from my moist face,
Revealing the fear in my eyes,
Softly, he touches my lips and says
‘do not waste a breath’

The rogue is on the floor, bleeding from within,
His lifeless eyes open, cold and astonished,
We walk over him, to other side, where the sun is bright
And the air is warm.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


When you’re in Mumbai, you’re surrounded by people who love Hindi cinema. Why people would want to sit through three hours of Akshay Kumar’s ‘hehehuhahahuhahaha’ laugh, is beyond me. Even newspapers spend more time covering Kareena Kapoor’s hickeys than the destitute in the city. Makes you think eh?

Speaking of thinking, heard of Katrina Kaif? How can you not? She’s that weird woman on TV, who gets seduced by mangoes, or is it the other way around? Really now, the things people do for money K Isn’t it unfair how a woman who can’t act, speak Hindi, dance or do anything useful for a Hindi film be cast in so many of them? Just because of her good looks? Is that all it takes to be an actor? Good genes? What about all those struggling actors who’ve studied theatre for years and genuinely love the art of acting?

And what is it with these grandpa men being paired with 20-something plastically endowed women? They wear shades that cost 50,000 bucks and move their pelvises to some awful wanna-be hip hop beats and think they’re the ‘kool dudes who get the hot ‘items’ and are so chilled out maaaan’. Then there’s the very famous actor, who’s shot a blackbuck and run over a man with his car. Everyone, being the saints that they are have forgiven him (nothing to do with his celebrity status, of course) and joined his efforts in ‘being human’. Irony much?

These movies are so damn long and point-less that if I really wanted to have ‘time-pass’, I’d rather have someone drill a hole through my cranium. That’d be less painful. Watching women in pounds of make-up, can-barely-breathe-through-these noses and i-starve-myself-to-get-paid-and-laid attitudes is hardly what I call ‘entertainment.

But I should admit that a few commercial Hindi movies did do justice: Chak de India, Wake up Sid etc. It was not just another ‘Pyaar ki ek Kahaani’. There was more to it-a bit of a Western influence perhaps? I believe that watching lovers run around a tree and wear brightly blinding clothes is not what makes good cinema, But statistics prove me wrong. Sigh.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Hopefully not R.I.P.

Dear Cookie Monster,
We seem to have died virtually. We need a revamp.
Yours sincerely,
A very lazy fellow blogger.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Time Heals All Wounds

When she was four,
she saw her father, a glass in one hand, a slap on the other,
A woman crying, the tears of a mother.
In frequent fits of rage, He abused her, he cursed her,
Intoxicated, yes, but never harmed his little daughter.

When she was five,
She saw her mother , a piece of paper in a tightly held fist,
Triumphant glee behind her lips with which she had kissed
her little girl for she had won
the battle was over but the war had just begun.

When she was six,
she saw her grandpa, a lighter in his hand, and a cigarette in the other,
He was a dignified man, loving and kind,
Her mother loved him, the only man in her heart and always on her mind.
The loss of a father figure crushed the little girl once again.
He died of cancer before she was ten.

Many a time did the drunk man come to see her,
Violently he claimed that her mother was the one who tried to deceive her,
Scared but strong the little girl held on,
the family moved out of the city and he was long gone.

When she was fourteen,
she saw a young man with a rose in his hand,
He promised to love her, with all his heart,
She looked forward to a new beginning, a fresh new start.

As the years went by, it seemed a bumpy rollercoaster ride,
Lots of love, lots of laughter overpowered by grief and strife.
The lies were too much to bear, the love blinded by doubt,
And once again, the young girl had lost a man she had loved.

She has never been deprived of love despite the odds,
She has been strong like her mother, thank the gods,
For now she looks forward to a life of happiness and laughter,
For Now, older and wiser, she can't wait for her happily ever after.