Monday, April 4, 2011

The Chennai Times

My exams have begun, and yes, I have decided to ramble on about how awesome my three years in Chennai have been, instead of studying for my vertebrate physiology exam tomorrow. Typical me.
When I first joined hostel I was apprehensive about meeting new people. I was the only 'new' person to join here where else everyone had already been friends( sorta :P) since school. But we instantly clicked thanks to their ability to accept all my lame 'appi' jokes, my obscene sense of humour and my retarded dancing and singing sessions. Likewise in college, thankfully I met people who could accept me for who I am.
I loved the honesty I shared with all my friends. We could be nasty to each other and still adore each other. Gossiping on the terrace, clubbing, playing rummy and pictionary ,begging the warden to let us out to have 'late-night' ice-cream, dressing up in each other's haute couture, taking pics of our retarded sleeping positions, trips, cricket matches, forcing my friends to come with me to rock gigs, bike rides,headbanging, crazy haircuts, blue cross (animal shelter) visits, doodling in class, being the attendance lack list 'topper', dissecting cockroaches and frogs,evading security guards, pain of freaking salvation,IIT,turtle walks, jewelery making, beaches, sugarcane juice/chili pineapple/sweet corn,bus rides and shady men,crazy auto-drivers and ludicrous bargaining, hawt machas and semma sexy bais okay-va?, the bipolar climate(okay, I doubt I'd miss this one!)...The list is endless..
My friends at hostel have helped me so much! Especially when it comes to personal grooming! :P How K begged me to get my upper lip and eyebrows plucked and A asked me to get rid of my 'flame' jeans! I don't know how I'd ever shop without them!Haha, hostel was so much of fun! We didn't have wi-fi for two years but kept ourselves entertained throughout! E and I with our 'skits' and dance sessions, contributed a lot! :P M, the jack of all trades, with her loooong stories about school life :P. H and her crazyyy stories and pre-exam convos and my little miss sunshine of a room-mate!
silsila ey, silsila!
My friends in class have helped me the most when it comes to scraping through exams! My gurus you guys are! I don't know how your enthusiasm and hard-work never rubbed off on me! I was like the black sheep of the family. Our discussions on serial-killers,animals,body-issues(:p),psychology,religion,food and even politics were so much of fun!! Our convos always left us in fits of laughter and gasping for breath.I've never had so much of vegetarian food in my life!
I've met some great people in Chennai who've made me believe in myself. They've brought me so much of happiness and lowe, I couldn't ask for more. You guys have made me realise best friends are there for you no matter what and will stick by you, rain or shine. I love you, kundi kutties so much!!
Keep in touch(else I'll haunt you foreverrrrrrrrr)
Loads of sneham,
Cookie Monster
P.S- only a week left! :'(

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