Monday, December 27, 2010


Superstitions.I've been wanting to blog about them ever since some crazy person told me that I shouldn't get pet turtles, 'cause they'd bring bad luck to the house. Whoever thought of that must be really dumb. Or psychotic. Anyway, I thought I'd give a list of superstitions my family's told me about/follow. I personally don't believe in any of them (sorry ma =P)
1. If a cat goes past you, you're doomed- Poor cats. Especially the black ones. What can they do if their fur is that colour? STOP blaming them for the shit that you land up in!
2.Never walk underneath a ladder- This is probably one of the lamest superstitions. How a ladder would bring you bad luck beats me. Except if you're really clumsy/unlucky and the ladder falls on you of course...
3.You always have to take a bath after you go for a funeral- Apparently there are a gazillion microbes that float around at funerals. But everyone seems to forget that the body is in a freezer box for god's sake! And it's not like we aren't exposed to so many other things that could kill us, ALL the time! Maybe my disbelief in this superstition stems out of the fact that I'm just plain lazy :|
4.Cutting your nails/hair on a Friday/at night/any auspicious day is unacceptable- In the olden days this made sense, as there was no light and anything could fall anywhere, into your food too. But now with electricity it's just bloody obsolete. And it's not like God's going to strike me down with a bolt of lighting if I cut my hair on a Friday. He/She,if God exists, but let's not get into that here, has way more important things to do. Trust me on that.
5. You can't enter a temple if you have your period-Why is that? Since when did a natural process,occuring in your body, have to do with God? Why is it that women are treated as untouchables during this time, when they suffer so much anyway? Also we have to take a headbath after 4 days of agony, to cleanse ourselves. Ha. Cleanse ourselves like we're some dirty creatures? It's weird how so many superstitions connect to God.
6. If a lizard falls on you it's either good/bad luck depending on where it falls-Haha. There's actually a whole book on what it means if a lizard falls on different parts of your body. Jobless people.
7. Seeing a fully black crow indicates bad luck (Oh no! Not again!)- They're called jungle crows and they mean you no harm!
I'm not going to ramble further on the million other superstitions that people tell me about. But please, they're called superstitions for a reason! And oh, don't you dare blame my turtles for any calamities that may befall you! It's just your luck!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Let's talk about sex, baby!

That catches everyone's attention, doesn't it? From inquisitive children, to older men and women, the topic of sex never gets old! Or, the act apparently. I was reading this book, The stranger beside me by Ann Rule. It was the very chilling account of Ted Bundy's life. The notorious serial-killer, raped and murdered countless number of women in many states across America. He was a necrophile too, finding pleasure in sodomizing and bludgeoning his victims to death. All his victims were very attractive,young women falling in the age group-18-25 years. Two-three of them were even minors. The most disturbing part of all this was that he,Ted Bundy, was an extremely charismatic,young man , who studied law and psychology(!). To use the act of sex as a tool of violence scares me. The fact that men find this pleasurable even more so.How do they find excitement seeing a helpless woman/child and attacking them ferociously for sexual gratification? Do they really get pleasure from the act or the feeling of power ,terrorizing the innocent? Does varied pornography really play a role in the twisted minds of these psychopaths like how Ted Bundy stated, few hours before heading for the electric chair?

The next day, I watched Brokeback mountain. One of the most beautifully-made romantic dramas I have ever watched. I was always a little uncomfortable with homosexuality. I though it was bizzare for men to be romantically involved with other men and women with other women. But nevertheless, I never disrespected them. What they did in the privacy of their lives was their business. Who was I to judge?But after watching Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal ,their incredible on-screen chemistry, play out the roles of their lives, I was highly impressed and mildly surprised. I did not find any of the intimate scenes 'disturbing' nor 'disgusting'. In fact, I thought the bond they shared was as beautiful as the rest of the movie. That's when I realised sex isn't just sex. It's not sleazy, it's not vulgar, it's not perverse. It's an art, it's natural, a physical expression,a strong emotional interpretation. It's sad to see people look at sex as merely an animal instinct. Even some animals share life-long bonds with their mates. I wish people would see the beauty of making love( as corny as that sounds) rather than desire 'casual sex'. Sexual starvation outweighs emotional starvation in today's world! I don't know how people can 'connect' physically if not emotionally. Sex maybe overrated, I wouldn't know, but love isn't and that I would.
Lots of 'lowe'
A very sentimental Cookie Monster.